Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)

尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NAD+)是存在於所有活細胞中的輔酶。它在多種生物過程中起著重要作用,包括能量代謝和細胞信號傳導。 NAD+來源於B族維生素菸酸(也稱為維生素B3)。






值得注意的是,最近的研究發現了NAD+的另一種形式,稱為NADP+(尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸酯)。 NADP+在合成反應(如生物合成和抗氧化防禦)中發揮特定作用,而NAD+主要在分解反應(如能量產生)中發揮作用。 NAD+和NADP+都是細胞代謝中的重要輔酶,在結構和功能上密切相關。

how to learn Chinese medicine in English?

how to learn Chinese medicine in English?

Learning Chinese medicine is not just about memorizing facts but also about understanding the fundamental principles governing this ancient form of healing. Fortunately, thanks to the internet and other modern resources, it is now possible to learn Chinese medicine in English, even without any prior knowledge. In this article, we’ll explore how to get started with learning Chinese medicine in English, as well as some fun ways to go about it.

Unlocking the Secrets of Chinese Medicine

The first step to learning Chinese medicine in English is to understand the fundamentals of this ancient practice. The foundation of Chinese medicine is built on five elements: fire, water, metal, earth, and wood, and the balance between Yin and Yang. From this structure, you can learn the different organs, their functions, and how to diagnose and treat imbalances.

To get a deeper understanding, it is important to study the theories and principles of Chinese medicine. Popular books like The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine and The Treatise on Cold Damage Disorders offer great insight into the world of Chinese medicine and its various applications.

Chinese medicine also has its own language, which is based on the language of natural phenomena like seasons, weather, and animals. To really understand the nuances of Chinese medicine, it is important to familiarize yourself with these terms and their meanings.

Finally, it is a great idea to familiarize yourself with the tools used in Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture and moxibustion. Knowing how these tools work and why they are used can help you better understand the many applications of Chinese medicine.

Learning Chinese Medicine the Fun Way!

Learning Chinese medicine doesn’t have to be a chore. There are plenty of fun and engaging ways to get started. For instance, finding an online course or an in-person workshop that caters to your needs can be a great place to start.

Another great way to learn about Chinese medicine is to go on a trip to China, where you can immerse yourself in the culture and learn firsthand from local professionals. Even if you don’t have the time or money to go to China, you can still find plenty of online resources that teach Chinese medicine in English.

When learning Chinese medicine, it’s also a great idea to make use of the many apps and videos available online. These are a great way to make learning more interactive and engaging. You can also find plenty of online forums and discussion boards where you can share your knowledge and learn from others.

Finally, make sure to practice what you learn! Practicing Chinese medicine can help you gain a deeper understanding of the concepts and principles. You can do this by offering free treatments to friends and family, or by volunteering at a local clinic.

Learning Chinese medicine in English can be both fun and rewarding. With the right resources and guidance, you can quickly get started on your journey towards becoming a Chinese medicine practitioner. So take the plunge and start learning!





為玄參科多年生草本植物地黃 (Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch.) 的塊狀根經蒸製而成。用生地加工蒸熟後叫熟地黃,簡稱熟地。別名酒壺花、山煙、山白菜。全株有白色長柔毛和腺毛。葉基生成叢,倒卵狀披針形,基部漸狹成柄,邊緣有不整齊鈍齒,葉面皺縮,下面略帶紫色。花莖由葉叢抽出,花序總狀;萼五淺裂;花冠鐘形,唇狀,紫紅色,內面常有黃色帶紫的條紋。蒴果球形或卵圓形,具花柱。花期 4∼6 月,果期 7∼8 月。 本品為不規則的塊片、碎塊,大小、厚薄不一。表面烏黑色,有光澤,粘性大。質柔軟而帶韌性,不易折斷,斷面烏黑色,有光澤。無臭,味甜。生於山坡、田埂、路旁。主產於河南、遼寧、河北、山東、浙江;多栽培秋季採挖,除去蘆頭、鬚根,為鮮生地;根烘熔至八成乾,內部變黑,捏成團狀,為生地黃;生地薰蒸至黑潤,為熟地黃。



=== INTRO:




(4)細胞保護劑:如 gefarnate、cetraxate、carbenoxolone 等。
dibismuth trioxide, sucralfate, pirenzepine HCl, Gaspin,Caved-S, misoprostol, proglumide 及其他未列入之同類藥品,價格與其相當者比照辦理。




  4.慢性腎功能衰竭 本方連用1~2個月,作為輔助治療,有較好的療效。
  5.消化系統腫瘤可作為治療原發性肝癌的輔助用藥。用本方丸劑,每日2次;同時配合維生素C 200毫克,每日3次,連服6個月到1年,對甲胎蛋白轉陰和防止轉移有較好的作用。長服本丸對防治食道癌亦有一定的作用。另外,應用本方加味:熟地黃30克,山茱萸12克,山藥12克,牡丹皮15克,自茯苓10克,澤瀉10克,川芎20克,莪術20克,雞血藤30克,天門冬15克。水煎,每日I劑,長期服用,對胃癌患者有改善症狀、增加食慾、提高生存率的作用。